Through funds raised directly from the 4th of July fireworks show, the Kiwanis Club of Tempe is able to gift scholarships and grants to local students and organizations in pursuit of improving the world one child and one community at a time. Since the club's inception in 1952, KCOT has given over $2.5 million to help fulfill unmet needs in the community.
The annual Karl Wochner Middle School Award and Scholarship goes to outstanding 8th grade graduates. Faculty at Fees, Kyrene, Gililland and Connolly select two students to receive the award which includes a $100 check and certificate of recognition.
Former KCOT president from 1965-66, Edward H. Busch, established the Busch Family Scholarship Endowment Fund. From this fund, KCOT awards graduating Tempe High School Key Club members with a one-time financial gift of $1,500. The KCOT Busch Scholarship Committee, led by Dr. Judy Aldrich, selects two award recipients from applications submitted. Those students who have exhibited the Objects of Kiwanis, and have shown dedication to their educational pursuit, are given consideration.
KCOT disburses funds to Tempe High School Key Club and Arizona State University Circle K International (CKI) before giving to other organizations. Some of the beneficiaries to receive funds from KCOT have included:
American Heart Association,
CPR In Schools
Boy Scout Troop 474
Boys and Girls Club, Ladmo Branch - Tempe
HomeBase Youth Services
Homeward Bound
Jobs for AZ Graduates
Junior Achievement of Arizona
Rio Salado Little League
River of Dreams (aka Daring Adventures)
Save the Family
Tempe Community Action Agency
Tempe Community Council,
Commitment to Schools - Early Literacy
Tempe Impact Education (TIE) Foundation,
Rice and Beans Program
Tempe Unified High School District,
Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program
Tempe YMCA
The Centers for Habilitation
Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development - Tempe
United Food Bank,
Kids Café
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